Here is me coming to the end of my first proper bulk, feel like I look alright, maybe holding a bit too much fat and water, but after a cut I think these problems will be gone.
How I look right now First goal is to get to about 15 stone with pretty low bodyfat, but I feel pretty fat now so I think it's time to cut maybe. Not sure, I know full well this could take a few years, since 16-17 stone 5-8% is stage ready, I never plan to compete unless I look THAT good I feel I can, doubt I ever will though. - - - Updated - - - Yeah but I won't cut off cycle, so no matter what I'll have to maintain for a couple months since I am coming to the end of one! I have gained 18 kilos this cycle which is pretty unheard of, so I'm pretty happy with how I look, I thought with that much gain I would look obese haha
How I look right now Going on your above weight and bf estimate, you'd be just over 14st atm if cut down to 12%bf (presuming you didn't lose any muscle at all).
How I look right now Would probably look pretty good with those stats to be fair, fairly big still I would reckon. I plan to cut on a cycle and eat 250-300g of protein a day so hopefully minimal muscle loss.
How I look right now Defo. Yeah, If you cut on cycle you should be fine I'd imagine as long as you don't go at it to drastically.