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  • How do I get big calves? [Muscle]

    Discussion in 'For Personal Trainers' started by suighja, Mar 24, 2012.

    1. masoven4u

      masoven4u Well-Known Member

      Dec 2010
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      How do I get big calves? [Muscle]

      nothing wrong with big calves leigh, better than having those so called "supermodel legs" aka bony as hell with no shape unless you consider bean poles a shape lol

      OP, calf raises are your best bet. as said pause at the top and bottom of each rep and go for the higher reps. do em on the calf raise machine or standing up with the bar on your shoulder (like squat) on the smith machine and keep going till you feel the burn, when you feel it go for another 5 reps lol and then rinse and repeat.
    2. Canellesao

      Canellesao Well-Known Member

      Jan 2011
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      How do I get big calves? [Muscle]

      No, no knee length boots for me. Ankle boots and trainers are ok though so I'm not tettering about in sandals all winter lol;)

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