Honest opinions please agree with milky - lighting but also mate your shoulders look smaller cos of the level of the camera - think about it if u were further down or the camera further up we'd see the delts come out mate shave your upper body as well mate you'll look so much better with the definition good shape mate for 2 years
Honest opinions please Thanks mate lol yes I know I've got little arms but I'm only 5'7. What part of my traps are lacking?
Honest opinions please Nice face, Good arms, Back could be worked more although lats are good. I know some lifters don't do abs but working the core would be the cherry on top.
Honest opinions please your back is lacking big time mate , you need some heavy ass rows in there , lats look ok but the erectors rhomboids and traps are sh1t as are rear delts . on the plus your front is pretty good .