Hi Lads, First cycle in about 6 weeks. I have been cutting from 120kg and am currently at 110. When i get to 105kg i will start eating bigger for a week or 2 before cycle begins. Stats: I am 6'8" with a fast metabolism. I have been working out for 3 years ( the first year i lost 50kgs- i was a giant dude) I cut right down to 98kgs(way to skinny) then bulked for past 2 years up to 120. I added good mass but also fat, hence the current cut. Cycle- -I plan on running a 12 week test-e cycle with 4 week d-bol at 30mg ed. And Nolva for at 20mg ed for first 4 weeks. -On week 15 i will commence pct of chlomid 300mgs first day, 100mgs for 10 days and 50mgs for 10 days. (should i mix chlomid and nolva for pct?? any advice??) I have a diet question. I am a tall guy with a fast metabolism. What should my daily calories be to optimize fat free gains. I can currently eat 3000 for mainitnance. I know it should be high protien and high in good carbs. Any advice would be greatly appreciated. Cheers guys.
hey Dbol everyday not eod And I personally only use nolva for pct But I am not prone to acne or gyno Everyone is different.
hey Ah yes. Thanks fixed i meant every day. I have both so im just weighing up my options. Hopefully i dont get many sides.
hey My first cycle was sust only No sides Then I ran sust deca No sides If you run too many compounds at the same time for the first time and get sides, you won't know what caused it. That's I started with one.
hey I see what you mean and understand. I assumed if i got sides it would be from the dbol, but even then its not a massive dose. Do you have any advice on diet. How did your first cycle go. Did you get good clean gains.
hey My diet was the old guideline of 1g per lb of broody weight for protein and double for carbs. When weight gain stopped I add 500 cals per day I am a small dude. 5f7 Started at 11 st last year. Now 13.6. Body fat is 18% Still gonna bulk till I get to 14st then cut.
hey Cheers for the advice. I think i will aim for something very similar. I have noticed in the past my body really likes high carbs. Thats an awesome gain, im from aus and still dont understand stones fully. Is that like 10 kgs. If so well done. i gather you kept alot of mass.
hey Yeah as I am smaller it appears like I have more mass and is probably easier for a smaller guy to gain mass Great strength gains from sust mate.