Right guys need help quick, have a banter but answer this first. Basically I'm RETARDED with interacting with women. I'm trying my best and getting better but how do I reply to this to not sound boring. "Hey handsome, how are you? Sorry for the late reply, just logged on, nice pics and profile x" I don't know what to say to not sound boring, not sound like something she'll of heard 100 times before. Any help!? She is a 25 year old squirter, I need this PLEASE!
Help with my retarded social skills Someone fvcking sort me out, in situations like these my mind goes blank and I can't think!
Help with my retarded social skills Tell her your large and willing to experiment. On a serious not why not be yourself? If your a boring person, be boring.. if it went any further she would find that out anyway haha..
Help with my retarded social skills It's just over the internet mate, if I get to know someone it's fine and dandy, but it's just those first few steps I fall at
Help with my retarded social skills ....."Would you like to compare the flesh to the photos?" ....."Thanks, did you know I can lick the flavoring out of the bottom of a Pringles tube?"
Help with my retarded social skills Reply straight away with 'I'm fine beautiful, how are you? It's ok it wasn't like i was waiting excitedly by the pc screen for you to reply, do u believe in love at first sight?? Hugs and kisses xxxxxxxxxx Xxxxxx don't put that lol
Help with my retarded social skills Seriously? U need a game plan? Just tell her what u want. She will respect the honesty x x
Help with my retarded social skills Tell her, "look, you sound really really nice and all that, but I just do NOT do anal on a first date. Please stop thinking of me in this way" See where that goes.