Just got back from the chiropractors with another partially dislocated rib head in my back. She has said the reason it is happening is that I have overdeveloped my front and side delts and pecs in comparison to rear delts and traps, causing my shoulders to pull forward, etc. At the moment I have been doing for back and traps all along 1 armed rows Pull ups Lat pulldown Seated rows Barbel shrugs And recently, under 2 weeks added; Upright rows Face pulls Bent over rows Deads So wondering what other exercises I could do for those areas or keep going with the newly added ones P.s. I know you told me so ewen
Help building rear delts traps I do bent over lateral raises as well as face pulls for rear delts, might be a good one to throw in.
Help building rear delts traps I had the exact same problem a couple of weeks ago. You seem to e doing quite a lot for each body part. Maybe try reducing the amount of exercises to just 3-4 using heavy sets?
Help building rear delts traps Rear Delts - Reverse Flys Heavy FacePulls / Rear Delt Row (Row to chest, elbows high) Traps - Deads DB Shrugs
Help building rear delts traps exaclty what happened to me , shoulders rounding forward ... caused impingment so bad in my shoulder, tore right through 2 RC tendons... stretghten ur scaupla, (muscle in between the shoulder blades) spapula push ups scapula pull ups As ur physio for a thera-band and just look up 'scapula rehab' on youtube .
Help building rear delts traps also the ming row as per our veteran weightlifting food dustbin 'mingster'
Help building rear delts traps LOL. These Rows are the best rear delt builder imo I had a similar problem with my rear delts lagging significantly. My solution was a little more drastic. I stopped doing all front delt work, including all pressing, and introduced the Rear Delt Row. My entire shoulder workout for the past 8 months or so has been Rear Rows, Rear Laterals and Side Laterals. I've lost no size on my front delts in that time and now my medial and rear delts are in proportion.