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  • Have Steroids as Class C Drugs Charge on my Record

    Discussion in 'Anabolic Zone' started by Korporalegq, Aug 3, 2012.

    1. fa2nzg

      fa2nzg Well-Known Member

      Dec 2010
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      Have Steroids as Class C Drugs Charge on my Record

      never was a scumbag, but i dont sell drugs no more if thats what your asking...

      it was a desperate times, desperate measures situation. But thats not the topic
    2. Raleoxilevz

      Raleoxilevz Well-Known Member

      Dec 2010
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      Have Steroids as Class C Drugs Charge on my Record

      I would presume that because you have been naughty peddling your wares, and that once they decide you have enough for intent to supply then possession becomes illegal but it's between you and the crown to argue it out

      It really isn't gonna make a difference removing a class c infringement from your record if you have been busted selling class a's outside a school!
    3. suighja

      suighja Well-Known Member

      Dec 2010
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      Have Steroids as Class C Drugs Charge on my Record

      I had my old place raided for growing a bit of pot. - I knew they were coming so I just cropped it all. All they found were amps of test E.

      On the same night, a friend of mine got raided aswell, but he wasn't quick enough to get rid of it. -Also found test E there.

      Guess who got done for the test.... Even tho I had over 200 amps of test and he only had about 15

      Don't sell drugs lol
      Lesson learnt.

      Also, surely you can't be fussing over a measly steroid possetion when you've got supplying class A's on ur record lol
    4. masoven4u

      masoven4u Well-Known Member

      Dec 2010
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      Have Steroids as Class C Drugs Charge on my Record

      oh yeh, for real. Not ****d about having it on my record since the A's in on there anyway.

      just wanted to share some info, that you can get it on your record, even if it is personal...and they agree its just personal
    5. Korporalegq

      Korporalegq Well-Known Member

      Dec 2010
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      Have Steroids as Class C Drugs Charge on my Record

      It is legal to possess AASs , but the police/cps were managing to stitch some people up with "possession" charges and convictions , by using a technicality in the old wording of the legislation which basically said was legal to possess steroids so long as they were in the "form of a medicinal product".

      The police tried to say that if they were not being used to treat a medical condition then they were not legal to possess as were not a medicinal product...Which is obviously BS because whatever they are being used for does not change what "form" they are in, but if you had a poor lawyer or didn't challenge the charges, then the judge would likely go along with it...

      The law has since been amended and the caveat that they must be "in the form a medicinal product" has been omitted, so i very much doubt the police will try charging people with simple possession any more.

      I reckon you could easily challenge your conviction and have it overturned if you get half decent legal representation, but if you already have a conviction for supplying class As not sure it would be worth the effort tbh.

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