I am going to write a log in order to record my cycle, review my progress and hopefully get some advice from the bigger boys! Ok my stats are : height: 5'10 weight around 12 stone maybe a bit less age :18 been training for a year and a half, before that i was boxing since i was 14. TRIED taking my first jab monday last week didn't go to well ( thats why i asked on here for help in my previous thread lol, finally got it right tuesday, 2nd shot thursday, in total i took 300mg but i will now be jabbing 500-600mg, I will also be posting pics in the next couple of days, first cycle of real steroids but i have ****ed about with prohormones
First test e cycle log 12 stone , 18 years old I think your mad starting at 18 and only been training 1.5 years!!! Saying that, at least your in the right place to not fcuk it up too much. Have you got PCT etc already lined up? Gyno meds on hand? If not get them now, don't wait till you need them as it will probably end up too late
First test e cycle log 12 stone , 18 years old Your gonna get a lot of flac about being on gear at such a young age bud....
First test e cycle log 12 stone , 18 years old yes mate, taking arimidex 0.5 every other day, ordering up some clomid that I'll be taking 2 weeks after cycle too
First test e cycle log 12 stone , 18 years old Ok at least you obviously have some idea of proper AAS protocol Get talking to some of the more experienced members and make sure you ask lots and learn lots
First test e cycle log 12 stone , 18 years old dunno why you fcuked around with ph`s i would of gone straight on AAS , if i was to start all over again id be on gear at 18 or before without doubt . post up your full cycle details .
First test e cycle log 12 stone , 18 years old Mm I only used Pro hotmones because I had a bit of trouble finding some gear, I'm planning a 10 week cycle, week 1 - 300 mg (complete) the rest ofthe weeks I will be jabbing around 500, if i inject 400 would it get rid of alot of water retention? I'm taking arimidex, multivits, whey protein, hemorage alongside the cycle, I'll be getting some pics uploaded tomorrow
First test e cycle log 12 stone , 18 years old so your running testosterone @ 300mg week 1 then from week 2-10 your doing 500mg that right ? you`ll gain water weight no matter what but if you run adex keep sodium low and drink lots of water it wont be massive amounts .
First test e cycle log 12 stone , 18 years old My training schedule looks something like this : day 1 tris bis day 2 chest/ legs day 3 shoulders tris day 4 back bis day 5 chest shoulders I eat big and around 6 times a day aslo with alot of protein