I'm trying to loose bf which I've got plenty lol I keep seeing people saying they eat this or that before going to bed. Id just like to know what's the advantages of eating before bed and what's the best things to eat. Thanks in advance.
Eating before bed i eat cottage cheese before bed as its casein proteins so slow release small amount of fat and hardly any carbs thats what i found with abit of research and from others who body build
Eating before bed Hello there. The best thing IMO before bed is quark. Low fat, low carb, high protien, ideal supper, and also tastes pretty darn tasty, mixed with either protein powder or MP flavour drops. Cant beat it! Just had mine and now its time for some zzzzz's!
Eating before bed just had my cottage cheese (with pineapple), now I am off to bed. Gym was brutal tonight ;-D
Eating before bed For losing weight there are no advantages, in fact try not to eat anywhere near bed time For bulking yes, eat before bed but be careful you get it right or you will gain too much fat
Eating before bed Lol, you're not the first person to ask me that suprisingly! Not yet but I should get a deal whereas I work on commision!
Eating before bed havent seen a post from you that doesnt mention quark yet so been and bought some today will be trying it tomorow