Does anyone else out there find nothing more irritating than people who stand around the gym chatting bollocks and doing about 2 reps per hour??? I am not a fan of going to the gym with mates etc as I prefer to put my music in and get on with it without someone else there to distract me. I have been to a few gyms in my time and there always seems to be a group of lads that just go there for a social event. Usually standing around the weights looking like bags of bones waisting the oxygen in the room. Break a sweat or p.i.s.s the f.u.c.k off. Rant over.
Dossers, Jibba Jabba's, Bum Chums and in my way! thats just the way things are, I tend not to train with people for this reason because a 1 hour workout takes 2,you keep talking and lose intensity but at the end of the day when I go to my gym I see all the guys I wouldnt see in the street so happily have a chat, We all pay membership fees
Dossers, Jibba Jabba's, Bum Chums and in my way! I wouldn't mind if they had a chat outside but it always seems to be in huddles bang in the middle of the weights. In the most we all have a car but we dont all drive like snails.
Dossers, Jibba Jabba's, Bum Chums and in my way! just go with the music in and ignore and do what your doing, a find that best and try not to take notice of anyone around me because they just get in your way
Dossers, Jibba Jabba's, Bum Chums and in my way! My gym looks like an xfactor audition room a lot of the time.
Dossers, Jibba Jabba's, Bum Chums and in my way! i chat to alot of the regs cuz we`ve all been going there fo ages. i put the work n effort in tho and dont hog equipment if someones chatting 5 mins between sets all u gotta do is say something - what they gonna do?
Dossers, Jibba Jabba's, Bum Chums and in my way! Im not saying be mute in the gym and ignore each other but I must of just had a bad run. Dont get me wrong if these lads were hench I wouldnt even question it but when they are pretty tiny I just find it funny how laid back they are.
Dossers, Jibba Jabba's, Bum Chums and in my way! Thats why I go in the mornings mate, although its getting bit more busy now. I hate it in the evenings when them numpties in groups do 20 sets of bench press and hog the bloody machines.
Dossers, Jibba Jabba's, Bum Chums and in my way! Yeah, cant get there in the morning so its later at night for me. Hopefully they will give up soon.
Dossers, Jibba Jabba's, Bum Chums and in my way! i chat 5hit with a few peeps in the gym but when im ready to do a set i will break off mid sentance, do what i need to do then get back on topic. they do the same to me. it works well