Dont Gain weight So you have several people who gave you the same answer and you're ignoring it and insulting us, getting upset, sweet, I see why you're red. Good luck with your weight gain goals in 2012..
Dont Gain weight I don't want names of foods. I want exact measured quantities of everything in each dish etc
Dont Gain weight me insulting? psh look at your posts bro call me a wizard cause i have a valid reason i might not gain weight when eating above maintenance, then i have some guy that says i dont know how to count since we dont learn than in preschool or anything and tells me to quit whining when all i did was ask a question. you insulted my intelligence so i insult you "treat others how you want to be treated" moron.
Dont Gain weight Chick fil A 12 nuggets is 400 calories, not 1,200. There's 800 calories a day right there. Over six weeks that'd be around 9.6 pounds. At least get your sh*t straight before coming on here and being a belligerent d0uche.
Dont Gain weight um its the meal hence large on the end belligerent douche maybe get your shi straight. and if you really want the "official" count it is 1260
Dont Gain weight Stop ****ing arguing with people and post up exact measurements like I asked If you can't do that then it's completely obvious why you don't gain weight
Dont Gain weight This in summary, if you are not weighing your food or accurately reading/adding the info up from the labels, you can easily goof up. I can almost guarantee people, the first time they use a food scale they will be amazed at how little/how much they actually eat.