Hello just wondering if anyone else's dog has been bitten? I've just got back from walking my dog where quite a few dogs are off lead including mine, big field with a path basically. I always put her on lead when I see another dog and if the owner of the other dog leaves their lead off I will always ask if they're ok with other dogs. I asked a woman today who said yes her dogs were fine a bit bouncy (same as mine) but fine. She had 2 dogs one of which started growling straight away and before I knew it the smaller one was trying to take chunks out her face while the woman just effin stood there! Anyway I got bella away and told the woman to put her dogs on the lead. She finally grabbed the little one and had to carry it away by the scruff of the neck smacking it (which I think is disgusting). I then looked at bella and both sides of her face were swollen and she seemed quite upset about it, she's only 6months old and has always loved other dogs. Anyway there was no blood or obvious injury and the swelling has gone down a bit now but should I be worried and get her checked?
Dog bite Not sure how third party injury works with dogs but maybe you should have got her details just incase of a hefty vets bill !
Dog bite "while the woman just effin stood there!" You should've used some of your gym brute force and threw her into a hedge
Dog bite At the time I was just thinking of getting my dog away quickly. I did think about jumping in the car and going to find her mind!
Dog bite yeah id go and get it checked and report it just in case its needed later on, cant hurt to have things on file. Hope it wont effect your dogs confidence with other dogs too much, can sometimes effect them alot when this kind of thing happens at a young age. Get her back mingling asap so she can see its not the norm.
Dog bite Im an owner rotties and they they have arguments mainly when the bitch is on heat and she turns around and tells him enough touch wood hes learnt his leason from experiance, From my experiance where it got bad i washed the wound with warm salty water and then put manuka honey or tea tree oil on there three times aday. Keep an eye on her face and maybe add a small asprin dosage if there is any small discomfort or swelling for her. This is advice iv been given from a close family friend whos a qualified vet. There is no need to go to the vets, if you want reasurance you could ring them for advice. I no longer walk mine in fields and resort to late night walking or area nobody knows about as i trust mine but alot of people do not know how to control there dogs.But i agree that you should reasure you dog that this wont always happen and not all dogs will react this way.
Dog bite if my dog had bit another dog he would get a serious slap from me. What would you rather she had done after it? how would you have dealt with the issue if it were your dog that had done it?? A dog in the park i use was bitten by an old golden lab, the owner of the old dog paid for the fees as the other dog got a serious bite. edit: when i say slap, he would get a slap and told straight away and that would be it, i wouldnt soften his ribs before i get slated!