Do you train alone or with a partner? Partner. You can push each other on the days one isn't feeling it, or to hit a new PR, etc.
Do you train alone or with a partner? Alone but prefer a partner. Problem is I'm picky plus need one who always on time at 5am. Hard to find...
Do you train alone or with a partner? Alone. I used to have a few partners. Only one could keep up. He moved away. Everyone else can't hang with the old man.
Do you train alone or with a partner? never found a chemistry with anyone, and these days, I have fun, take time, and generally fuck around the gym until I find a groove to move in.
Do you train alone or with a partner? Alone. It would be great to find a good partner. Not had much luck as of yet
Do you train alone or with a partner? Alone now...I used to have partners, they'd not show and no call, come late, bullshit while I need a spot or show up late with a cup of coffee in their hand (none for me) and bitch me out for starting without them.
Do you train alone or with a partner? Ditto! Would drive me insane when I would expect them and then my workout gets all screwed up...