Deca and aromisin sat on the fence with that at the moment, I wouldnt rather run 1mg Eod, i dont cut pills, i think its ballocks its impossible to perfectl divide a pill 50/50, one day you might be taking 0.3 and the next 0.7 and would rather run aromisin as adex is really heavy on my, trashes the **** out of my lipids and liver values worse than dbol does.
Deca and aromisin what exactly causes prolactin to rise? and what would you do to avoid it just run your adex throughout cycle?
Deca and aromisin bugger, I made a basic mistake.... perhaps novla is better.. because: 1. Prolactin can only exert its effects when oestrogen and progesterone is low. 2. Deca is progesterone... and this inhibits prolactin.. all those people taking cabergoline are really f**king up.... note: It stimulates the mammary glands to produce milk (lactation): Increased serum concentrations of prolactin during pregnancy cause enlargement of the mammary glands of the breasts and prepare for the production of milk. However, the high levels of progesterone during pregnancy suppress the production of milk. Milk production normally starts when the levels of progesterone fall by the end of pregnancy and a suckling stimulus is present. I think many people have missed that (including me!)