I am planning to run Deca at some point and use Aromisin as an AI. Does anyone know of any issues that may occur choosing Aromisin with deca over Adex?
Deca and aromisin Deca has a low rate of aromatisation so not really needed. I'd take whatever you normally take with test.
Deca and aromisin x2 agreed i really just had Nolva handy when i ran deca last time & i never really had use for it.
Deca and aromisin Thanks for input, Ive ran test with an without an AI, never ever have any issues either way far as aromitisation goes apart from I feel a lot more crappy without an AI after cycle. il run the caber 0.5mg twice per week. wouldnt using nolva pointless though with deca as gyno is triggered by raised prolactin and not estrogen?
Deca and aromisin 1. if you run test with an AI, the deca is fine. Reason is, you cannot get raised prolactin levels when estrogen levels are very low.... 2. Can some one please link me to any information that says prolactin causes gyno?? it causes lactation, in estrogen sensitive tissue, in the presence of high levels of oestrogen (not possible with an AI). 3. Nolva is pointless, but not for the reason stated, its pointless as it lets oestrogen levels rise...
Deca and aromisin sorry i meant to say prolactin and not gyno. Seems the key is to keep estrogen levels in check and everything should be ok, thats what il be doing then.