That's quiet dramatic and my sympathy to his family. Poor guy.. IMG_0088.JPG Sorry attachement is a bit small to read so zoom in using the tool menu.
Death by Fellow Fitness Guy While Bench Pressing!! Read this today in the metro. Moral of the story, don't bench alone when you're drunk.
Death by Fellow Fitness Guy While Bench Pressing!! posted 1000 times i swear. but still pretty fvcked up. id never bench when drunk.. done weights on mcat though but that was because i could feel my gains dropping off me after sniffing that sh!t EDIT: where the fvck is the zoom tool?
Death by Fellow Fitness Guy While Bench Pressing!! [ctrl]+scroll up I'm glad they didn't mention the exact weight. I have nearly died a few times benching (not drunk) at home and I was worried I'd be found dead from lifting girly weights. I said to my friends that if it happened, could they come over and stack on some more weight so at least I can die with some honour.
Death by Fellow Fitness Guy While Bench Pressing!! This is a rather sad story. It begs the question of what happened though? Obviously trying to lift weights whilst intoxicated is rather foolish - but failing a bench press does not result in death in all but the most extreme cases, certainly not free weight. I just wonder if there is more than meets the eye on this one. Either way, needless loss of life.
Death by Fellow Fitness Guy While Bench Pressing!! Try this..
Death by Fellow Fitness Guy While Bench Pressing!! It's the most common way of dying in the gym. The bar comes down over your neck, or crushes your chest - you're dead.
Death by Fellow Fitness Guy While Bench Pressing!! I've failed a few - I've had some bruised ribs, a sore chest. The bar falls to one side and I climb out. At the British Bench Championships on Sat a lad I knew dropped 300kg on his chest. He is fine. The recent death I remember was in a smith - where you are stuck and the bar can only go down and not sideways like a free bar can.