People saying its bad, don't see how, good protein and fats, natural sugars. Personally I don't drink milk, gives me cramps, but eat a decent amount of yogurt and cheese. Thoughts?
Dairy ? theres an article on the main site, and a few threads around too. How do you tell if your lactose intolerant, my stomach pretty bad when i drink milk, not yougurt or anything else dairy strangely enough
Dairy ? People say all kinds of things, like we never went to the moon and the towers were taken down by lasers. I'm not making that up: Until someone presents compelling evidence, claims are empty and should be taken with a grain of salt. Does your stomach hurt pretty bad when you drink milk? There you go. You could try milk with lactaid in it or buy lactaid pills. Try drinking no more that half a cup and see how that feels. If you can handle it, try a little more every day.
Dairy ? wtf that tower article is strangeee.. but yeah stomach doesent hurt so much, but bad bloating and gas if i drink a good amount of it. don't bother me too much i never drank much anyway
Dairy ? There's a lot of supporting medical research and studies that can explain why drinking cow's milk is not natural. Here's one of my favorites. I personally don't drink milk or really consume a lot of dairy products... Whey is about as close as it goes and I switch over to veggie protein before competitions. But everyone has their own theories, regardless still a good read!
Dairy ? OP, remember when I told you to only accept claims that come with compelling evidence? The above are claims without evidence, ignore it. Starting with the first claim: Oh really?: Ignore that article. There is truth to it. If your bloating is minimal, you'll probably be okay if you can handle it. In others the effects of lactose intollerance can be so bad it causes diarrhea and incomplete digestion and absorption of foods and nutrients.