I am 27 years old. I am pretty big (140 bench, 230 DL 180 squat) and i do a lot of martial arts training. I train 2 - 3 times a day. i Know i cant maintain my muscle mass, so if i come off i will shrink, only to take another cycle next year to get big again. Is there any point in that? or should i just maintain 200mg per week so i can keep my lifestyle. Is this a big deal? too soon? Just want to know your opinions. Not looking to get any bigger just maintain what i got.
Cruise for life? If ur not looking to get any bigger depeding how big u r u might be alright for a while, i believe mingster maintained a decent size and strength off cycle.
Cruise for life? Only way to know is try it and get bloods done every 6 months or so.. Interested in this though as i always wonder what would be harder on the body, constantly on/off on/off or a blast and cruise protocol
Cruise for life? Wouldn't staying on saturate all the receptor sites eventually or would that be more likely if you was taking higher amounts. What are your stats Op?
Cruise for life? your lifts dont define if you're big or not.... they could be at 70kg or 100kg, they are average up to about 90kg bodyweight at the most and a long term dependence on steroids is not healthy for the mind, not to mention the body which is debatable you can certainly maintain that strength and better naturally.
Cruise for life? Well I have done it for years at a time, I dont want people shouting so if you dont like that dont reply, but I have have stayed on for a couple of years and have had bloods done throughout and they were all fine, one part was slightly elevated but nothing to every worry about. BUT! I was taking more and more and getting less and less from it. I was probably on for around 3 years maybe with a slight gap, I peaked at just over 19 stone at around 14% but then slowed it down to around 18.4 I then had a year off and lost a load of size and then when I went back on I went from 15 and half stone to just over 18 stone within 3 months. Muscle memory is a wonderful thing. Now I am taking around 10% of what i was on and my strength is close to what it was but I feel better. My receptor sites were saturated even though i constantly changes the compounds. I was doing a change every 6 weeks. The thing I would say is if you do stay on it wont be at 250, you will end up increasing it as you get used to it and where will it stop? Gear isn't technically addictive, but looking good is!
Cruise for life? As long as your not past your genetic limits of size then there is no reason that you will loose your size it may feel like it a little but it's more in your head than anywhere, I trained for many years doing Tae Kwon Do 7 times a wk so understand the training your probably in the best position possible to be able to maintain your self as long as that genetic limits not been exceeded. I've adopted B&C because I just don't see the point in cycleing for example 5yrs to get where you could be in 2.5yrs if you stayed on if that makes sense, but when I get to where I want to be I will come off completely I don't like idea of having to run AAS for the rest of my life, AAS are one of the safer drugs to run long term that's for sure but still have long term health implications to consider: