I here it's sore when injection test p. I don't get any pain what I get from tri-test i've started running 400mg a week with d.boll should I stop the d.boll to see if it works or was thinking of doing pro-chem tri-test 400 a ml each week with the prop So if the props crap I'll get gains of the tri-test
Could my test p be crap gear Ye to see if it works I was going to do 10 week cycle of prop with 6 weeks of d.boll but not sure if prop is crap stuff
Could my test p be crap gear theres plenty of painless prop around,give it some time...400 a week isnt really a front load tbh.
Could my test p be crap gear I've got candytops to try that's what I'm using just now and alpha pharma the pharma stuff is good stuff. U think adding a tri-test in with it would be to much 400mg/ml
Could my test p be crap gear You will know if its crap within a week or 2. Wait out and see what happens.
Could my test p be crap gear Your libido should shoot up with adding test, it's one of the better side effects.
Could my test p be crap gear 2 weeks on prop for that to start. I was sex mad when was on the tri-test the last time