Started keto about six days ago. Definitely starting to feel the energy loss in the gym but also losing weight. I've done keto succesfully before when I lost about 30lbs a few years back. I'd like to lost about 30 right now as well, but this time I have significantly more muscle mass, so losing 30lbs would be a major challenge and probably drop me sub 10% for sure. Appreciate anyone who can convince me to try something else, as nothing else has worked for me in losing weight except running over 3 miles a day (and I am currently not in a location where I can do that)
Convince me to stop Keto please. Also I didn't think the belonged in the Keto subforum.. because I don't want to do Keto, I want to stop.
Convince me to stop Keto please. Read the sticky on calculating calories and macronutrient needs and eat a sensible diet that includes plenty of carbs.
Convince me to stop Keto please. if memory serves that's a cyclical ketogenic diet... which is basically High -> Low -> Med carbs?
Convince me to stop Keto please. You lose weight on keto because you stop rating carbs and lose water weight. It provides no added fat burning to a calorie deficit and you will likely see weight gain when carbs are reintroduced. Have you read the stickies on calculating calorie and macro needs?
Convince me to stop Keto please. keto during the week w/ a weekend or once a week carb spike. you could always try carb cycling. losing weight doesnt have to solely rely on Keto. there's plenty of other ways.
Convince me to stop Keto please. If you want to stop then stop. You do not need any convincing, you need a more sound approach to your diet. Keto does not offer any fantastic benefit over a more "traditional" diet. Simply eat at a calorie deficit and you will succed. Read the stickies for more information.
Convince me to stop Keto please. I think that sentence alone should be enough to convince yourself to look for alternatives. You don't need to rely on a keto diet to lose weight—you just need to eat in a calorie deficit. I would much rather recommend a regular calorie deficit that doesn't limit you from carb sources. It might take a little trial and error to find out how much you need to eat in order to lose weight, but it's well worth it I think.
Convince me to stop Keto please. Hmmm. Then what is with all the talk about being in ketosis tricks your body into burning fat even when you're getting enough calories already?