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  • commited Carbocide and OD'd on my cheat day

    Discussion in 'Diet & Nutrition' started by fa2nzg, Oct 13, 2012.

    1. Raleoxilevz

      Raleoxilevz Well-Known Member

      Dec 2010
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      commited Carbocide and OD'd on my cheat day

      It isn't that much. But just listen to the phrases!

      Committed carbocide
      Cheat day
      First day I've had anything bad in weeks
      I was ready to kill myself
      I was thourghly disgusted with myself
      I've learned from it
      Food coma
      Dairy also sticks to your body
      I'd rather fill up on carbs from potatoes than bread
      Etc etc

      Those phrases are from the op, he really needs to rethink what he is doing as I suspect he either is greatly resticting himself as Pug suggests or he has or is developing an issue with food. i.e. on the road to an Ed.

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