I've got few questions about chicken breast. Where do you guys get you chicken breast? Do u guys buy in Bulk or not? How long can u keep cooked chicken beast? And last what's ur method of defrosting the chicken to cook? Plz help and cheers.
Chicken breast. At the supermarket In bulk A week Putting it in the fridge for the night, and then cooking it the day after.
Chicken breast. I get it from the butchers and buy it in bulk, bulk for me meaning LOADS, I mean one pack lasts me a week or even two but I will buy a few packs and place them in the freezer, I marinate the chicken in whatever I feel like having to make it taste nice and stick it in the grill for about 2 hours, at the end of the day I put the chicken in the fridge and keep on eating till I am finished once I have finished that pack I just defrost another from the fridge which usually takes about a day.
Chicken breast. If you like a response rep it, if you disapprove then disapprove it. The more green and higher rep the more helpful and the more people have repped. Red aka ruby are people you want to avoid who generally put out false info or ask stupid questions that they've already been given the answers to. In a nutshell. Welcome to the forums.
Chicken breast. However, op, these two reds have actually given you good advice so I would generally rep them if I were you.
Chicken breast. Red or green means next to nothing. A guy said he accidentally negged me so I'm red. GG.