Some of the 'older' guys in my gym have said that when bodybuilding, no more than 3-4 slices is really a good idea....I get a lot of my food in the form of egg sandwiches - cheap, and for me I could eat them all day without any problems. Are they set in their ways and as long as it fits your target requirements, should it matter if it were from bread or pasta or whatever? I see myself eating 8 slices of bread easily and could eat more, chicken sandwiches, tuna etc. If it hits your requirement is it all good, no danger of just bloating and spudding out? Eggs - I now believe that the 'just the egg white, throw the yolk', bad cholesterol etc is now a bit of a myth. If that is the case, why do i see and hear of loads of people making omelettes with 12 whites and 3 yolks, for example? As it stands I eat the whole egg, again have been warned from the older guys about this. Right or wrong? Any thoughts? Alan
Bread and eggs? I eat at least 6 eggs a day, get my cholesterol checked every 6 months and its not a problem. I can't eat bread, it bloats the hell out of me
Bread and eggs? I have eaten up to 32 eggs a day (large, free range), got my cholesterol check, 3.3 average of population is 5.5. Take no notice of the diet "gurus", egg yolks are good for you.
Bread and eggs? I think my mrs is more agaisnt eggs than steroids she is obsessed with cholesterol in the yolks I'm with you super food cheap fast and tasty!
Bread and eggs? i've tried mate i just sneak around the house now injecting test and eating boiled eggs
Bread and eggs? I'm interested in the bread side of it too. I eat a lot of bread (wholemeal) daily as it's easy calories and carbs. But I do wonder about the bloat effect. If any! Also, eggs are full of win. As for chucking out yolks, I see it as wasting good food.
Bread and eggs? Bloat from bread is an individual thing. Personally I eat a lot of bread, rice and potato's. Pasta and oats, however, bloat me. I eat lots and lots of eggs. The only time I don't eat all the yolks is for reasons of taste not nutrition. For example, I prefer an omelette with 5 whole eggs and 3 whites to one with 8 whole eggs. The dog appreciates the extra yolks.
Bread and eggs? I eat a packet of bagels a day while bulking. 250g of carbs and 1250cal and nice and easy to get down