body fat %, is this 22%? To be honest, it looks higher than 22 to me. I would not worry about the percentage, especially at this point, focus on losing the weight and on improving or maintaining strength.
body fat %, is this 22%? how long will it realistically/sustainably take for me to hit 10%? I have went from 225 to 205 in 2 months so far, but still a long way to go. I had 155lbs @10% as a target by September/October, is that realistic given my results in the past 2 months?
body fat %, is this 22%? It's possible with an extremely low carb diet, you'll feel like crap, loose muscle and gain it back very fast, but it's possible. It's much better to diet properly and loose weight gradually. About 2 lbs of weight loss a week is a good goal, however as you get closer to your target weight loss will slow down. Read the diet sections and get your macros right and then go for it. Best of luck.
body fat %, is this 22%? Low carb won't particularly cause muscle loss (or be any quicker than a normal calorie deficit, apart from the initial water weight). OP you should aim to lose about 1.5lb a week, so it should take around 33 weeks. Of course you may still need to bulk/cut again from that point.