Best AAS for anxiety prone people I would of thought testostrone would be fine as men produce it naturally anyway? Maybe during pct would be a problem mate.
Best AAS for anxiety prone people i have major anxiety when on Test & Tren but a really good one is Test & Deca is absolutely love the stuff ! Infact thats what im on now
Best AAS for anxiety prone people I have bad anxiety. not been affected at all by test . decca. var. boldenone.. not touched tren though
Best AAS for anxiety prone people Mate you always want to base your AAS around test if possible. I'd try some test propionate, therefore with it's shorter half life you can discontinue if you start feeling really anxious and it will be out of your system within a few days. Highly doubt you'll get anxiety problems from test though, personally.
Best AAS for anxiety prone people Test but if fail to manage oestrogen even test will make you worse .
Best AAS for anxiety prone people Kicked off my anxiety big time at 600mg per week. Never had anxiety before or after that cycle. Something to be aware of. There's a few threads on t'interweb about it.