So some one made a comment on twitter. It wasnt racist, more in-sensitive than anything else & the the tweeter gets arrested? WTF is this place coming to? I dont think it was very nice to mentions the young mans deceased Father, but worthy of being arrested for???
Arrestable Offence, "malicious tweets" ???!??? proof that the internet is no longer a place for freedom of speech or expression of opinion... its only happened as it is highlighted witjh the olympics garanteed if it was a standard divign event that some random commented like that it would have had no further action and Mr. Dailey would have had to deal with it...
Arrestable Offence, "malicious tweets" ???!??? Somthing along the lines of 'you let your dad down' - dad of course being dead, and tom and partner not winng a medal in the duo sychro dive.
Arrestable Offence, "malicious tweets" ???!??? It was to Tom Daley something about letting his dad down who died quite recently Think online bullying is a major thing at the moment due to some suicides etc...
Arrestable Offence, "malicious tweets" ???!??? Rio is also in trouble for calling ashley cole a 'choc ice'
Arrestable Offence, "malicious tweets" ???!??? like how waterfield called the guy a pr1ck over twitter!
Arrestable Offence, "malicious tweets" ???!??? Tom Daley has the last laugh really. He is the one competing in the Olympics at what, 18 years old? Not sat at home with nothing better to do than post offensive tweets
Arrestable Offence, "malicious tweets" ???!??? Shouldn't be an arrestable offence but the bloke obviously deserves a slap for being a prick. His dad died recently for fvcks sake, have some respect.
Arrestable Offence, "malicious tweets" ???!??? It wasn't the dad dying tweet that's getting him done. After that, when the story of the offensive tweet hit the news etc, the boy started throwing out death threats to people. That's what's got him in trouble.