anyone shop at costco? steak, their filet is amazing and their tri-tip turns into awesome roast beef some specific cheeses (gruyere is 1/2 price from my local grocery store) veggies/fruits (frozen and not) drinks (7.5gallons of water in 1L bottles for like 4$) sometimes I get their tortolloni because it's amazing with some homemade bolognese sauce
anyone shop at costco? Peanut Butter Skippy creamy Spinach and Cheese Ravioli Orville Redenbacher movie theater butter popcorn Cytosport 100% Whey Protein Fruit - all Pasta and pasta sauce Salmon Burgers Goldfish Chicken Breast fillets Tortilla Bread Regular Sandwich whole wheat bread list goes on and on, get my meats mostly from a local no-name butcher shop
anyone shop at costco? Cytosport 100% Whey Protein (Vanilla) Chicken Breast Fillets Bag of Brown Rice Turkey Meat (Sandwiches) Usually get the rest of my groceries including egg white beaters, brown eggs to hardboil, whole wheat pasta, cheese, milk, fruit etc. from another market.
anyone shop at costco? I have to say, I dont shop for a lot of stuff there because I can find it just as cheap or cheaper on sale at other places without having to but massive amounts of it.
anyone shop at costco? Costco is the fuarkig shiznet -I get 10lbs thin sliced frozen chicken breast.(low sodiun) -i get rice -i get oatmeal bulk then grind to dust at home to mix with protein -i get 5x 1lb frozen tubes of hamburger beef 9% fat (this is sold in packs of 5) -i buy pack of 2 gallons of skim milk -i buy muscle milk there for meal replacement shakes -i buy bengay for when i get an owie at gym (packs of 2) -i buy hamburger buns for my burgers (forgot to mention earlier) -i buy shredded chicken breast and tuna in bulk -i buy sandwhich bread in bulk -i buy yoshida teriyaki sauce cuz its the frikkin bomb -i buy ball tip steak cuz its phuckin delicious -i buy cheese in bulk -i dont buy clothes cuz theyre frikkin expensive there
anyone shop at costco? Frozen chicken Sliced turkey Frozen tilapia Frozen vegetables Frozen fruit Fruit Canned chicken Canned beef to mix with the vegetables String cheese Eggs Bacon bits *Edit: forgot Coaches oats Oatmeal for my home made weight gainer Chalula sauce and salsa for the canned chicken