I went and got my iphone 4s nicked last night in a club and i desperately need another one. my life revolves around my iphone for work and everything. is anyone selling one? thanks guys
anyone selling an iphone? Selling a galaxy nexus 16gb if you want it mate. I still use my 4s so can't sell that.
anyone selling an iphone? How much is the nexus going for dude? i unfortunately am in a similar situation, had my iPhone4 stolen in Amsterdam... i dont know why they both stealing iphones, as soon as it is reported the phone gets black listed through its serial number so its then useless...
anyone selling an iphone? Take it you don't have insurance? Maybe check your home insurance to see if it covers it?
anyone selling an iphone? pritty sure you can use them abroad, when they block them there only blocked on the uk networks but abroad use different signals and companys or so ive heard
anyone selling an iphone? You may be right... however i would have though a serial black list woud relate to the hardware, but ye your probably right, its annoying really coz in Amsterdam the police have a system in place which alows them to track any iPhone in their country through its serial number, if i had had it with me i would have been living the dream
anyone selling an iphone? As soon as it's out of the UK barring the IME number is useless mate, there's a massive maket for blocked phones in Poland and Pakistan.
anyone selling an iphone? Pm me a price and I'll let you know mate just remember that this is sim free and the new android 4.1 (jellybean) is getting released next month for this phone. AC gets priority though if he wants it because it's his thread lol. This is it: http://www.clove.co.uk/samsung-galaxy-nexus-16gb