Argghhhh, i cant be doing with any more of this Jubilee rubbish, anyone else sick of all this Royalist bum kissing.? this guy nails it
Anyone else sick of the jubilee..? My wife is sick to the back teeth of it. I've just been given a medal so can't complain.
Anyone else sick of the jubilee..? the only thing that irritates me about the jubilee is having to take a forced day off work. unpaid,because im self employed
Anyone else sick of the jubilee..? Nope. I like the monarchy. Rather have them than the cheating, thieving scumbag politicians.
Anyone else sick of the jubilee..? I have loads of national pride, i am proud of our people,... i just dont have it for the leaches that we call our rulers...
Anyone else sick of the jubilee..? Love it can fly my countrys flag with pride!! Normanly the council would make me take it down saying i am a racist and it offends the other ethnic people.
Anyone else sick of the jubilee..? i hate what britain has become so i dont want to celebrate it, and as for those royals they wouldnt spit on ya if u were on fire