Why does my foot have a head growing out of it. I first noticed it about 1year ago it was just the size of a small pea so I just ignored it, since then Its grown to the size of a even bigger king size pea. It doesn't hurt unless I put pressure on it, I no I shud of got it checked out sooner but I'm forever too and from the docs at the moment. Any1 shed any light?
Any1 know what this could be on my foot? dunno carpet looks comfy tho, sick of the wood floor in my house always cold
Any1 know what this could be on my foot? Maybe calcification. If it's a ganglion, you might be able dissipate it, by hard massage. (not from a parlour!)
Any1 know what this could be on my foot? I was going to post a pic of my foot.. I think it might be a verruca but Im not sure.. IMG_0289.JPG
Any1 know what this could be on my foot? Smells of p1ss tho. Damn bearded dragon **** everywhere. Maybe if they p1ss on my ganglion cist it wud help? Much like a jellyfish sting?
Any1 know what this could be on my foot? Yeah It feels like it has a soft layer ontop but if I really push down feels like hard/bone
Any1 know what this could be on my foot? people use to say you should hit ganglion with a book/bible give ya foot a good whack and report back