Recently started getting shoulder joint trouble Mega cissus/glucosamine tablets and a bit of rest seemed to make it feel a lot better Then I got ****ed and had a bit of play fighting and now it's worse than it was Starting to worry me, and I'm considering the extremes Been told that Deca would help? I imagine HGH would help? Any info much appreciated
Any roids that will cure my joint trouble? Joint care supps.. cissus espeically and could try some peps.. ghrp/grf combo
Any roids that will cure my joint trouble? Better than really putting it out and having 6 months off dont you think? Please call them steroids or AAS, hate the word roids lol.
Any roids that will cure my joint trouble? I'm still using cissus/glucosamine Also could you use the full names rather than abbreviations please? May as well be Chinese to me mate lol
Any roids that will cure my joint trouble? deca etc only masks the problem. I know when i come off a blast and near the middle/end of a cruising stage i start to get old problems rising, lower back especially. ive read, only on forums, that some ppl do spot jabs of IGF-1 or GH. Unsure if these actually helps, never found an official paper to read proving it does etc. cissus, fish oils, glucosamine help. Ive recently found the herb Devils Claw extremely good for my tendon problems. Infact id say it pee's all over Cissus for muscle/tendon support.