My parents have a tv which you can plug in a USB device so I plug my external hard drive in to play films. Problem is that sometimes the sound lags behing the video. Looks like a cheap chinese film. It's a 500gb hard drive with 199gb space left so it's not packed jam full. Are there different hard drives that run faster for playing films?
Any computer buffs here? One issue I could see here is that the usb hard drive may be USB 2.0 and TV may be USB 3.0 and so the hard drive cannot pass the data quickly enough. Still odd for only the audio to be affected though if this was the case. Can you put a film on a flash disk and try that to rule out the problem being the hard drive?
Any computer buffs here? Try USB 3.0? Faster transfer and read speeds mean the movie might not lag when you play it.. Or it might be a problem with the tv itself
Any computer buffs here? Either the hdd is bobins or the decoder in the tv is a bit out, some have options to + or - the audio sync, might be worth having a look.
Any computer buffs here? It's just a cable mate, most ex HDDs are compatiable with it, but if your HDD isn't, then you may have to tweak the sync settings on your TV, but its worth having a look if your HDD is usb 3.0 compatable
Any computer buffs here? Are there hard drives out there that can cope then? Only problem is I don't like them that you have to plug into the mains. Too big