basically someones managed to get their hands on the parts for one and built it... obviously an apple factory employee then, whos stolen it! launch date is speculated to be 12th september, going on sale on the 21st. thoughts? lg_iphone5_021-1024x682.jpglg_iphone5_061-1024x682.jpg
Any apple fanboys, heres a look at the iphone 5...maybe I always wonder if they release little bits of 'leaked' info on purpose because they know it will get people talking.
Any apple fanboys, heres a look at the iphone 5...maybe
Any apple fanboys, heres a look at the iphone 5...maybe Looks good, shame they've changed the charging port though. I'll have to get an adapter to fit it to my docking stations.
Any apple fanboys, heres a look at the iphone 5...maybe There's no way they will change the charging ports, that must be wrong!!
Any apple fanboys, heres a look at the iphone 5...maybe i dont see the big deal about changing the charging point myself, it makes sense. HTC and blackberry use the same charging point so if apple also joined in it would make it alot easier for people to share chargers and accessories. saying that though apple are money grabbing cvnts so they wouldnt want that would they...
Any apple fanboys, heres a look at the iphone 5...maybe im sure its already been confirmed. made smaller to allow for the headphone port to be relocated from the top to the bottom.
Any apple fanboys, heres a look at the iphone 5...maybe It's already been anounced apparently they will include an adapter in the pack with the iPhone but this has yet to be confirmed. TBH I have the iPhone 4 and it does everything- don't see the need to spunk an extra £300 for an extra few pixels....
Any apple fanboys, heres a look at the iphone 5...maybe Looks pretty much the same as the iPhone 4...