Am I fat? SRS I would say yes, you are fat, but the good news is you're tall. Bad news... you need a reality check because if you've been lifting for 9 months and haven't seen much progress, you are doing something wrong. How is your diet? are you in a caloric deficit? how often do you train? how heavy? do you do cardio?
Am I fat? SRS yesss, how could you let yourself get to that? unless its ur genetics or medication, you have no excuses to get to that. im disgusted with you. clean up your lifestyle NOW, u r just at the very limit of disgrace, u can still pull it off but only if YOU want it.
Am I fat? SRS I dont have a real diet. I train about 3 days a week. just got up to 30lbs dumbells and 150 on bench. no cardio
Am I fat? SRS If you want to lose weight and look ripped, you're going to need to eat right, it's going to take a long time but the best part about it is, you'll see changes pretty soon, and it'll just keep on getting better from then on out. If you're really serious about it, then i suggest you find a right program for you, one that explains what type of exercises you should be doing, what your diet will look like etc. Basics are pretty much this, try to find your recommended daily caloric intake, for you, it should be around 3200 calories... and subtract that number by 500-600, so you'd be eating 2700 calories per day, 5-7 times a day. You need to eat right man.
Am I fat? SRS You're never going to see results if you don't have a sensible diet. It's not completely necessary to count calories or be anal about it but you do have to set some reasonable guidelines. I lost 100lbs of fat without being anal about it and without starving myself just by cutting out chips and soda and cutting back on my portions a bit. I've also recently decided to go no (or at least, extremely minimal) grains and so far that has been going very well, though it's only been a month so we'll see. You don't have to measure everything out like a mad scientist but you DO have to set some restrictions. Eat healthy, real foods in reasonable amounts, don't be a glutton, and make plain ol' water your new favorite drink (it grows on you). You cannot out-train a bad diet, and you train way more than I do (I only do some body weight stuff when I'm not feeling too lazy, which is to say not very often), which tells me that your diet probably really sucks. Best wishes for you, not trying to sound mean just trying to help you out, I was way fatter than you are a couple of years ago (280lbs at 5'11).