Advice needed for serious post dbol problem Because I have a YouTube account to document my progress and cycles. People follow lol.
Advice needed for serious post dbol problem Erm excuse me?? I don't dole out aas advice to kids you ignorant ****.!! I do the complete opposite! I tell kids every day to stay away from them. I never said I was nor pretend to be any kind of steroid expert, I only know what I need to know. I thought this forum was to recieve AND give advice? If you don't see the point in giving advice then don't come onto a thread that has *advice needed* in the title. All I'm trying to do is help some kid that doesn't know what he is doing and is scared for his dick. I can't believe you can even criticise me for that.
Advice needed for serious post dbol problem This thread made me laugh.The blind leading the blind is a phrase that springs to mind........