One of my YouTube subscribers just sent me this message, I'm not quite sure what he should do.. Can you guys offer some advice? "Hey man you may remeber me for like 8 weeks ago i asked you about dbol only cycle, you told me not too take it, but being stubborn and stupid i did, i took dbol for 6 weeks followed by 3weeks of clomid but since being on the clomid and now 1week since ive stopped taking it (4weeks in total) ive had no sex drive at all, i can get an erection but its not really hard and just goes soft usually, i bought some natty test boosters and plan on taking these too try get my test levels back up should this work or what would you reccomend? :/ im 18 and i ****ed up man any advice you could give would be great :/" ****ing kids. If I had a shot of test for every teen that messaged me for dbol advice I'd be ronnie Coleman. They just never listen!
Advice needed for serious post dbol problem It never ceases to amaze me how dumb people are putting potentially dangerous chemicals in their bodies without having a clue of what they're doing and how to avoid problems..
Advice needed for serious post dbol problem Ahhh it will come back in time, probs another week or so...either that or some proviron
Advice needed for serious post dbol problem No but if I can help somebody then i will. I have actually succeeded in stopping many teens from using steroids who contact me for advice on YT. So should he wait it out or get some proviron?
Advice needed for serious post dbol problem More to the point why does he have a you pube channel dolling out steriod 'advice' or whatever but yet need to come here for the simplest of things, easy answer stop promoting AAS to kids problem solved!
Advice needed for serious post dbol problem And this is just why i always say teenagers should not be taking aas.