My last blast i ran 800mg Test & 200mg Tren cycle i cut the Tren out cause of Sides like Extreme Acid reflux mainly and a general feelings of lesser well being. I did how ever not even get as much as itchy nips or that much spots to be honest, So my next blast will be WC DecaTest500 will be doing 600mg Test EW & 400mg Deca EW. 15 week blast, Is Adex or any other AI really needed? I am well aware that Deca is a 19nor but then again it only converts into estrogen in alot smaller amounts compared to Testosterone. Ideas ? Opinions ?
adex, tamo do i really need it for my cycle? Others on here will know better than me re: running it during your cycle but definitely have it on hand just in case! Nothing worse than being caught short if some gyno symptoms flares up mid-way thru!
adex, tamo do i really need it for my cycle? Yeah would love for some insight from some of the bigger guys on here like Ausbilt , Milky etc....
adex, tamo do i really need it for my cycle? Is Adex not for water retention mate ? I am running half a pill EOD for it and its working a treat TBH.
adex, tamo do i really need it for my cycle? x2, done this in my last cyle of test and tren and had no problems, starting new cycle on wednesday and running adex incase
adex, tamo do i really need it for my cycle? IME l have only ever used Tamoxifen when the signs of gyno appear... IMO its not compulsory.
adex, tamo do i really need it for my cycle? Nah mate its just incase of sides like gyno etc... But its not really needed i think idk i need a opinion on that , iv never gotten alot of spots on cycle really. Oh and water retention i keep inn line with my diet mostly.
adex, tamo do i really need it for my cycle? Yes and no. For many support meds are a necessary addition to any cycle to maintain a decent level of health and to prevent various sides. Having said that, I believe that a lot of people take far more meds than are strictly necessary, and take substances, or greater amounts of substances, than required.
adex, tamo do i really need it for my cycle? yeah but with 600mg Test & 400mg Deca is it really needed?