Ok I know we all use pb when dieting and I never weigh a spoon... Do you have a tea spoon or table spoon? How much do you load on your spoon... When I say a spoon of pb I mean this-
A spoon of peanut butter? a tablespoon and heaped like a mountain of pb on it, but thats when i was buying sunpat pb.....i bought that meridian one from holland and barrats and it ended up being all runny n sh*t.
A spoon of peanut butter? ever tried peanut butter and honey sandwiches.....i didn't like pb sandwiches before i tried that combo lol but if ya don't like pb in general i would recommend almond butter......its the dogs b0llocks!
A spoon of peanut butter? Table spoon and as much butter as i can scoop out... A tea spoons worth will only lead to a tubs worth so may as well get my mouth as tacky as possible and half suffocate on the sticky goodness
A spoon of peanut butter? dont get hung up on what spoon, go 4 a tablespoon full or two... damn... i LOVE IT...
A spoon of peanut butter? I use a tablespoon, and about the same amount as in the OP. Cures my sweet cravings.
A spoon of peanut butter? Lol, I thought I was the only one who has that moment of panic where I can't breath and think I'm gonna die because it's lodged in the back of my throat
A spoon of peanut butter? Not exactly in line with the thread, but I was recommended putting Peanut Butter on a burger (home made of course). Pretty damn good.
A spoon of peanut butter? hahaha no sir you most definately are not, used to happen to me all the time but i'm wise to it now... once i feel my air way sufficiently restricted i wash it down with a few gulps of a shake.. those few gulps are life saving and taste fcukin amazing And its even worse when your mouth is dry