65kg Seated DB OH Press - Yeah baby!!! thats unreal, reps. edit - You have given out too much Reputation in the last 24 hours, try again later. sorry lol..been rep happy today
65kg Seated DB OH Press - Yeah baby!!! and you put the weights down like a gent. i was expecting you to thrown them on the floor and shout Fcuk like branch warren. great work.
65kg Seated DB OH Press - Yeah baby!!! Jeeze, im not sure if i can even do half of that. You sir, are a freak, in a good way ofcourse
65kg Seated DB OH Press - Yeah baby!!! Very impressive mate! That's alot of fcuking weight! Out of curiosity what do you db bench? If you do..
65kg Seated DB OH Press - Yeah baby!!! Animal! I've come off the gear a few weeks back so even the 32.5kg bells seemed a tun weight today! Cudos bonny lad, you are one strong mo fo!