Hi guys im new member here but have been reading the forum for a good 4years! I decided too take the plunge in aas 10weeks ago first cycle is test e 500mg i plan too run for 15 weeks. I am loving the results soo much. A bit of backround i am a personal trainer and have been training for 5years. here are some stats before and: height 6ft2 weight: 90kg bench:110 dumbel bench press:50kg for 6 deadlift:200kg squat:145kg very low olymic sqaut style barbell curl: 50kg 6 shady reps hammer curl:28kg 20reps bor:120 for 3 10weeks into cycle: weight:98kg bench:140kg dumbell bench:67.5kg for 6 deadlift:245kg sqaut:167kg barbell curl:65kg 6 good reps hammer curl 50kgs 18 reps bor: 150 for 6 strength has gone up as has bw i have added a bit of fat but too be expected i dont mind as i am an ectomorph anythings better than being skinny! my qeustion is i would love too cut and i would prefer too cut on aas to preserve muscle, can i run for another 10weeks? add some tren or eq in,and run a power pct after? Thoughts would be great!
1st cycle should i continue? I'm staying on to cut also. It's my first cycle too. I'm not experienced so I won't tell you to stay on or come off
1st cycle should i continue? Thanks are you planning a power pct too? do you find your gains are slowing very tempted by a blast and cruise...........
1st cycle should i continue? i just asked this question and going on test and dbol to cut but im thinking maybe anavar and test??
1st cycle should i continue? so are you saying so far you have run for 10 weeks and have 5 weeks left just to clarify?
1st cycle should i continue? yes sorry should of worded it better i have done 10 weeks i have 5 weeks left but am very tempted too do 20week or 25 week cycle
1st cycle should i continue? The choice is your's how long you want to cycle gear,people can advice and you can do as they tell you or do your own thing. Often it is hard to drop of the gear as you see good result and don't want to stop your cycle. Having said that 500mg is a pretty safe dosage if that is per week. So you must make the decison,you can run for 20 weeks if you wish but along with it may "I stress may get some side effect running for 20 weeks as you are new to gear" but I would continue through to 12 weeks only on your 500mg per week and have a break form the gear as this is your first cycle. Use (pct) if you have on stand by then the next exciting part comes when you wish to start a new cycle and where you want to go with regarding gains,cuts,masculairty and so forth. It be Test,MasteronDeca,Equipoise,Tren,sustanon,stacks. And truly a few years back I can remember having to stop my first cycle,hated it but I am glad I did it as if you don't control useage,stoping gear it can easily escalate out of control taking higher and higher dosages wanting bigger and bigger gains,fasert than your body can produce. have a little break mate. Hope this has answed your question. Regards
1st cycle should i continue? Thanks alot for the advice i can tell its a slippery slope! you have confirmed what i was thinking thanks for replying! What is your longest cycle too date out of interest and how did recovery go?
1st cycle should i continue? i agree with what ampre said. its your first cycle so keep it simple. also as its your first cycle you don't know how you will react to PCT or how well you will recover. may be gauge that and then if you recover well then step things up a notch next time.