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  • S4, ostarine and t3, help.!! Confused.

    Discussion in 'Anabolic Zone' started by Raleoxilevz, Jul 31, 2012.

    1. Raleoxilevz

      Raleoxilevz Well-Known Member

      Dec 2010
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      Okay, so I've been on s4- 50 mg, ostarine- 25 mg, and 80 mcg of t3. Its going to be week 3 on thursday. Initially i weigjed in at 238-240ish. Now i weigh around 245. Is this normal? Im kind of confused because i thought t3 was suppose to do the opposite. I don't know if the SARMs play a role in this or what.!!
    2. Raleoxilevz

      Raleoxilevz Well-Known Member

      Dec 2010
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      S4, ostarine and t3, help.!! Confused.

      Whatever possessed you to do this honestly? Looking to "Expressway to leanness"? IMO...drop the t3 and if you hadn't run Osta and S4 before thread carefully honestly...Its a given Osta is safe as far as we know...however S4 has too many side effects reported and 2 mainly confirmed to be risking it. Furthermore t3 should be ran with an anabolic for best uses since it will indiscriminately eat muscle mass too...Not to mention the thyroid damage and shutdown it causes...
    3. masoven4u

      masoven4u Well-Known Member

      Dec 2010
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      S4, ostarine and t3, help.!! Confused.

      The only problems I'm having with s4 are the conversion to light to dark rooms and vise versa. T3, i feel flat at times, but, my strength is still there. T3 has been reported to not shutdown the thyroid not as easily. I've researched this compound numerous amounts of time. The thyroid is a resilient thyroid as it recovers quite quickly. At least i didnt use a dnp, clen and t3 stack!
    4. alomjabpd

      alomjabpd Well-Known Member

      Dec 2010
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      S4, ostarine and t3, help.!! Confused.

      Lol I'll say it again any day of the week...the key to fat burn and fat loss is proper dieting and self control. Anyhow, SARMs are fine, IMO t3 isn't needed but it seems you really want to learn the hard lesson that there's no fast way for leanness, to answer your question...If you didn't weight in the nude, after draining all the water (urea, sweat, glycogen water retention) and had dropped a log...well your weight is obviously gonna fluctuate. Go by the mirror too, not only the scale.

      Again, proper diet is key, not how many compounds you stack...Howwedo (ricky) and I turned ourselves from fat boys to lean men in less than a year really without any use of AAS whatsoever (yes SARMs by definition are AAS)...if we can't why can't you? And I mention Ricky because you seem to love his log so much. Ask him, no need to go balls to the wall on any kind of supp, just diet, willpower and consistency.
    5. jailynn24hb

      jailynn24hb Well-Known Member

      Jan 2011
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      S4, ostarine and t3, help.!! Confused.

      Wellllll, I'm a powerlifter. I just dont want my lifts to go down, that's no fun :/... and im not using that as an excuse to stay chubby. Ive weighed the same for 4 years now. I've just gotten bigger and stronger. I always do cardio as well. I eat fairly clean to be honest. I just eat a lot if it, because of heavy training sessions. And CNS recovery.
    6. parnassto

      parnassto Well-Known Member

      Dec 2010
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      S4, ostarine and t3, help.!! Confused.

      It is possible to lose strength when losing weight? yes if done too fast and if you are not training and eating properly...Cuts are not meant to be fast IMO they are best done over a steady-paced-time-frame .

      Try dropping the T3 honestly, Osta should be good enough to keep strength up, s4...well people love the leaning from it so if you really want it keep it. Just don't make a HUUUUGE deficit and take it steady and you'll be fine strength wise...

      After you PCT...honestly just use ECY stack...and a cortisol control...even 11spray and 7 spray , it will be better for you than running all of this...
    7. fa2nzg

      fa2nzg Well-Known Member

      Dec 2010
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      S4, ostarine and t3, help.!! Confused.

      Waiiiit wait wait. Repeat the last paragraph.
    8. laxgoaliesrhs

      laxgoaliesrhs Well-Known Member

      Dec 2010
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      S4, ostarine and t3, help.!! Confused.

      What? Ephedra Caffeine Yohimbe stack? and 11 spray and 7 spray? what?
    9. masoven4u

      masoven4u Well-Known Member

      Dec 2010
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      S4, ostarine and t3, help.!! Confused.

      25mg ostra will shut you down...you will need a pct...at least a slight one
    10. laxgoaliesrhs

      laxgoaliesrhs Well-Known Member

      Dec 2010
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      S4, ostarine and t3, help.!! Confused.

      Maybe ill just run helios insyead! jk... :/ byt i was talking about The whole cortisol spray thing mentioned.

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