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    Discussion in 'General Chat' started by remstation, Apr 12, 2012.

    1. remstation

      remstation Well-Known Member

      Jan 2011
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      Basically for the last 2 months I have been training to gain better cardio and not in the slightest concerned with gaining size and raw strength.

      TBH I really quite dislike this training and you can train pretty much everyday or twice a day even with 1-2 days off a week if need be.

      I do 5 mile runs a few times a week.

      Hill sprints down the sand dunes every Sunday for up to 90 minutes.

      Circuit training in the gym etc...

      stretching daily for up to 30 minutes if not more etc...

      I dislike this training quite a lot but do it just to gain cardio.

      I don't feel good from it, I feel a bit shytty truth be told.

      I used to train more of a bodybuilding style routine but it had it's low points for me.

      The bodybuilding type of training basically focusing on getting a muscular as possible and then getting strong was good and I actually enjoyed training like that.

      But here's my issue I have this bizarre look upon the world thinking that I need to be physically able to scrap like a cage fighter to feel worthy about myself and confident when amongst other males knowing at the end of the day I would have the upper hand over most providing I had great cardio and fighting ability.

      It's a weird outlook. I would love to go the steroid route and take bodybuilding seriously but their cardio is pretty bad and they don't get as much respect as someone who can fight and works harder from that point of view.

      What is this all about?
    2. suighja

      suighja Well-Known Member

      Dec 2010
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      I must post this dilemma...answer me if you can. THANKS

      It is a bit mad like dont no if its the same but if am at the gym and a dont train hard enough then I dont think I deserve to go in the steem room sauna etc
    3. jailynn24hb

      jailynn24hb Well-Known Member

      Jan 2011
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      I must post this dilemma...answer me if you can. THANKS

      Hit circuit training - going from machines to machines - while using very light weights and big sets.. will work: cardio & endurance while keeping u toned.
    4. crormaSoila18

      crormaSoila18 Well-Known Member

      Jan 2011
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      I must post this dilemma...answer me if you can. THANKS

      If your not enjoying it I wouldnt carry on.

      If theres something in your head saying you need to fight and be the best to feel worthy or whatever it is you need to feel then thats some issues you need to sort out as being able to fight is not a measure of a man.

      I use to box/thai box and kick box for many years. I feel very confident in my ability to fight but I never get into them because fighting outside the ring is for idoits. I will only every use physical force to protect my friends and family if it comes to that.

      However there are millions of people out there who can kick my head in and it dosnt bother me. Who cares about this stuff?

      What matters is that you enjoy your life and do hobbies that you enjoy. So fcuk it mate, go by some test, jab it eat and train well and enjoy yourself. Get this fighting crap out of your head.

      Dosnt make you a man at all.
    5. emininojiq

      emininojiq Well-Known Member

      Dec 2010
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      I must post this dilemma...answer me if you can. THANKS

      In your post you said that you want to : "feel worthy about myself and confident". These are things which largely come from within. But, & I speak from direct experience, how you look also plays a big part, in self confidence as well.

      Of course you (we) want to look good, & have a six-pack, for instance. But, I found that I needed to work on how I felt about myself-cr@p at sometimes in my life-& develop more feelings of self worth. Being men, alot of us want to be better & look better than the next man. If you're not enjoying some of your training, do other stuff that you do enjoy. I have found that also 'telling myself' that I'm confident etc helped me to feel better too.
    6. emininojiq

      emininojiq Well-Known Member

      Dec 2010
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      I must post this dilemma...answer me if you can. THANKS

      Why not combine the 2 ? 3 weight and 2 cardio days , the cage fighter / mms stuff is very popular at the mo but I'm too tall and the looks to lean for me
    7. fa2nzg

      fa2nzg Well-Known Member

      Dec 2010
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      I must post this dilemma...answer me if you can. THANKS

      Your either a scrapper or not, going to the gym doesnt help you THAT much.

      Its all about having balls...

      Do bodybuilding and cardio together, but depends what you want, i dont do any cardio at all but im still physically fit...

      and yes i do train legs, every wednesday without fail
    8. krupnijihbc

      krupnijihbc Well-Known Member

      Oct 2011
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      I must post this dilemma...answer me if you can. THANKS

      Last edited by TS99; Today at 07:39 AM.
    9. emininojiq

      emininojiq Well-Known Member

      Dec 2010
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      I must post this dilemma...answer me if you can. THANKS

      simple answer is .

      train like i do with a twist , do your compound lifts strength based then do assistance bodybuilding style then train strongman events of course only a select few for example lots of mma fighters use strongman circuits to gain fitness and explosive power brock is a good example this way you are strong look strong and can smash these pencil necks with a single blow .
    10. Jemenony

      Jemenony Well-Known Member

      Dec 2011
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      I must post this dilemma...answer me if you can. THANKS

      What a great answer. Much reps!

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