My friend is injured and can't spot me today on my bench. So my last resort is the smith machine bench -_-. How much will my workout suffer? My...
Was gonna do squats and I saw guy unracking weight in squat rack. I was like, "How many more sets you got?" and he was all like "I'm just...
ive been on a strict diet and eating about 10-11 calories per pound of weight, I started around 187Lb and im down to 168 in 12 weeks and my...
Did chest today, thinking about going back in 40 for a core workout cause ive got nout to do, good idea or overkill?
We were talking about the gym and loosing weight today, for some reason we got onto the subject of people being overweight and not giving a fuq...
1 year today since he died, R.I.P brah, forever mirin. Feelsbadman.
I just found out that my father is not really my father my mother had a affair and apparently he lives in the States somewhere. **** im confused...
Cant believe ive left my 20's lol! It proper bothered a few of my mates but im not that ar$ed about it really. Having a break this weekend from...
OK not really, but damn that was killer on my wrists. How the hell do you guys do this exercise? I started with the clean grip and tried varying...
Now I spoke to a pro bb who I talked to about a cycle now he was very bland but heres the information I got from him My proposed cycle to him was...
On this forum we are very obsessed about reaching our macros etc. We also spend money on aas .gh vits and whey. If you feel that you have not...
Megas excited think I found the perfect training partner for me!! Gonna chat her the day and see if she wants to go training this week. She one...
And to tell you the truth it felt alot better then 6 small meals. I cant stand eating something and still having that sensation of wanting to eat...
Hey all, I started my new college class today, my friend was meant to be starting aswell but he didnt turn up so I was all alone in another town...
You won't like me when I'm angry. Because I always back up my rage with facts and documented sources. The Credible Hulk. Thought it was kinda funny!
I joined a new gym last week, and have been going everyday so far, so I guess a few people might have noticed me. First guy came up to me, and...
First pic is 1 year ago when I was 48 Second pic is 29th Feb - 4 weeks ago - , just before starting my first PH cycle 3rd pic is last night 3...
or is it just me?
I have these hard pebbles under both my nipples that make my chest look pointy (ruining my aesthetics, brahs lol). So i had my doctor's...
Separate names with a comma.