Im 3 weeks in out of a 8 week epi cycle and just got my hands on some winabol which is just furazan. Im dosing the epi at 18mg 3 times a day....
Last night a big rig parked in the alley in back of my house, his truck idled for probably around 7 hours. It is hot here at night and could...
Okay, so some of you know I had shoulder surgery. The doctor that did my surgery said I would make a 100% recovery, and I would be okay to go back...
So when doing IF( intermittent fasting) doing a basic 8 hour eating window 16hour fasting period. I train around 5.30/6PM should you train fasted?...
Hi. My meal time would be eat everything in one meal only. A big big meal in the dinner. But i usually train in the afternoon (Monday Wednesday...
Paddypower offers a £50 matched bet. I just set up an account to bet, if my girlfriend sets one up too.. I put £50 on Sonnen to win, they match...
hey everybody, i'm new to the forum, just a quick question. I have ordered a dbol & proviron oral (not by choice) stack. question is will the...
i just looked at the before juiced and after u have juiced thread .. was just wondering do people on roids have to keep doing cycles to maintain...
im considering jabbing my pectorals, if i did does it increase the chance of gyno???
Well I just recently switched from doin cardio then lifting to lifting first then cardio and my concern is that protein shakes should be taken...
When viewing a package or whatever, in relation to macronutrients, do you go by the total fats? Or add on the saturated/whatever other types as well?
Alright, I have my supplements, diet, and workout plan down. Been on and off the last few years but the last month ive been hitting the gym with a...
evening all, when i am injecting my quad with a 1 inch blue i keep getting some of the test coming out of where i am injecting :-( im going all...
Ive been named as a 2nd driver on my girlfriends car insurance so i can drive it at times over the weekends, question is the time has come for me...
for those of you who follow iifym what are some of the main food items that you eat everyday, feel free to just list them
I just want to make this sure, Im eating for 2 days in 1, and then the next day im fasting. im cutting. At the end of the week, will i remain...
I'm at 150lbs, age 17 and used to be 210 I'm looking to stay lean and get cut, yet gain muscle (obviously) just not Bulk up. So far I'm on...
right guys doing dbol cycle.... do i need to take arimidex with it? ive planned dbol for 7 weeks..then pct nolvadex for 4 weeks 20mg per...
When jabbing glutes i know its upper outer do you jab from the side of the glute to get to the upper outer or from behind? hope you understand...
Hi guys, Your probably sick to death reading about gyno so al make it quick, i suffered with adulescent gyno as i went threw puberty which i...
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