Been lifting for about 10 months now, started at about 55kg (121 lbs), went up to about 73kg (160 lbs) and will try to hit 80kg untill I cut for...
Is it possible to gain 3-4 pounds of lbm a month for a beginner ? Should a beginner eat 500 kcal surplus or a 250-300 kcal surplus?
Here is how i have changed in the past 2 months since i have been taking it alot more seriously, pics are from July 1st and September 1st 2012....
beforre [IMG] after is my avi Went from 140 to 210 then cut down to 195(current)
Bulk from 114-120 in thirty days. Slight visible change! gonna change to ss this week. (Been just doing a friends workout routine). Thoughts?(15...
Hello, I always wanted to post my progress pictures but I was self-conscious about my physique but now thanks to lifting and the...
Okay, FML i just typed this long ass post but now i got to do it again because i accidentally refreshed the page and lost it. This is going to be...
I'm really stressed out right now, this is my fourth day of fasting, I'll be going to the gym today but I'm just so insanely worried about losing...
Hey guys Here's my 36 month progress. Please let me know what you think. myprogress.jpg
Let me start by saying I started lifting when I was 17, now 19. But, I didn't know what I was doing and did the whole Bench and curl workout lol....
In 6 Months, I Did This.......I Can't Believe it Myself, You guys are awesome.. PICTURE 1 - 210 POUNDS PICTURE 2 - 145 POUNDS As of a month...
Alright, I'm almost 20 but have had people say they thought i was a really tall 12 year old... Sometimes people say their little sisters are...
tbh i havent been full bore bulk for the 8 months. i've learned a lot these past 3-4 months that i obv didnt implement in the first 4 months....
I'm 25 years old, male, 6'1", and 215 pounds currently. I would like to get under 200 pounds, but 185 or so would be ideal for my height. I...
i started off at 5 11 127lbs I am now 5 11 180lbs around 13% body fat. currently on a slow clean bulk trying to slowly cut away bf% while still...
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