Almond Joys, Twix are mine! [IMG] [IMG] YUM! So hard not to eat on a cut haha
I'm gonna cut soon. -how fast should I lower calories? 100/week? 200/week? also in matt's ask me anything thread he said this:...
I have 3 weeks before I have my job interview for the new lifeguard position. They made an exception for me to proceed with the job interview...
I spent almost 2 years bulking from 130 pounds to my heaviest at 200 pounds with way too much fat. I started my cut almost 6 months ago and I'm...
I'm 48 yrs old. 5'10", 194lbs. not sure BF%, probably 18-20ish. been trying all sorts of combinations to lean out, get down to 180ish before ski...
I've been cutting for almost 6 months now and dropped a total of 61 lb, however I am not seeing the results I expected. When I first started I...
I know by that weight you would picture me as a skinny ass dude. Well, with a shirt I look skinny but without one I got too much fat on my stomach...
I am looking to get some calcium in my diet and I was curious if I could combine skim milk with some cereal, but I have no idea what cereal is...
Hey Brahs so iv been cutting and losing weight for almost 3 months now dropped from 22% body fat to 16-17% lost 10 kg of weights i used to eat...
I'm on my first cut. What is the point of lifting weights on it if you know that you can't build additional muscle at a deficit... It seems like...
Will be finishing my cut this coming friday and got my fat done lastnight its now down to 7.6% weight 12.5 stone. Binged for the last two days on...
I've been bulking since February and I hate my body right now, so I want to cut for the first time and get as low as possible! Any advice? My...
Looking to lean out and do a cut, from my experience those "thermogenic" and hydroxycut things do not work. Just wondering anyones thoughts on...
Im on a 16 week cut. I was wondering if i should allow myself a cheat meal once a week for the first 4 weeks or so. What does everyone think of...
Been bulking for 4 weeks and put on 10lbs but half of my food has been cakes (I know naughty me) I was going to cut and bulk 4 weeks at a time...
well do you ? are you strict or not strict on count calories and your progress you made ? 4 ur time [IMG]
i'm 14 and i weight about 163-168 and i'm 5'10. should i bulk or cut and why? how long should i bulk/cut
Hi I am on tren test clen cycle and i lost lots of weight ,i am really happy with everything except my six packs! When i flex they are there but...
So... Just finishing a 10 week test e cycle, put on roughly 16lbs (not checked recently) before pct... I'll admit I was a bit podgy before around...
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