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9 Best Exercises for Bigger Lats (V-Taper)

Latissimus Dorsi

The video focuses on latissimus dorsi (lats) exercises, emphasizing their role in shoulder movements and posture support. The lats, a large fan-shaped muscle group, extend from the lower back to the upper arms, impacting both upper body and push movements. Nine exercises are highlighted for lat development:

  1. Meadows Row: A variation of the T-bar row, performed with a barbell in a landmine setup or corner, emphasizing a staggered stance and overhand grip.
  2. Single Arm Kneeling Reverse Lat Pull Down: Utilizes a high pulley and D-handle for a kneeling, reverse grip pull-down, focusing on arm and lat activation.
  3. Standing Cable Pullover: An isolation exercise targeting the lats with a high pulley and straight bar, involving a wide grip and forward bend.
  4. Regular Lat Pull Down: A common lat exercise offering various grips, beneficial for those unable to do bodyweight pull-ups.
  5. Pull-Ups: Strengthens lats, biceps, and shoulders, performed with an overhand grip and can be assisted with machines or bands.
  6. Reverse Grip Barbell Row: An underhanded grip barbell row, targeting lats along with rhomboids and traps.
  7. Pullover: Primarily a chest exercise, also engaging the lats, performed with a dumbbell lying across a bench.
  8. Deadlift: A comprehensive back exercise, impacting lats among other muscles, focusing on proper form and hip drive.
  9. Long Angle Dumbbell Row: A variant of the dumbbell row, aiming the pull towards the hips, reducing bicep involvement.

These exercises, varying in complexity, contribute to a stronger and well-developed back. The presenter suggests incorporating 3-5 of these exercises into a workout, performing each for three sets of 6-10 reps with heavy weights.

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