worst job for training.. My job I work offshore 2 weeks on 3 weeks off, I work on a boat and the gym is terrible, max 30kg DB's with a dip station and a few benches, cardio stuff is okay. Also when your away you cant take gear or anything with you, so 3 weeks gear blast then a 2 week cruise..........
worst job for training.. yes and no, im a bricklayer/groundwork and do my own labouring and actually feel like i recover better at work than i do sat at home not doing anything. also get more vascular running around all the time
worst job for training.. Checkouts, **** breaks for 10mins every 4hrs barely enough time to take a **** and rush a snack. No water or drinks allowed at tills or any type of food. Can make you start early, mid and late afternoon.
worst job for training.. labouring IMO, i did it for a ew days and quit just ruined the gym picking heavy stuff up and lugging it around all day, then hitting the gym. After training arms i didnt want to go into work.... I do gym instructing now much more suitable
worst job for training.. i think my job actually help's me, i do cavity insulation, fairly active job so cardio is pretty much sorted.