evening all im three weeks into cycle and started to have doubts about my batch of rohm comes from a very well and trusted source tghing is i tired freezer test on it and there was no test suspension. so need a little advise cheers all
worried about my rohm test 400mg Always use rohm t400 never had any probz.takes a good 4 weeks to kick in.
worried about my rohm test 400mg Not having a pop! But why do lads always feel the need to mention pip when talking about there new gear I mean unless it's made in a moldy bath tub the gear itself has little to do with pip.
worried about my rohm test 400mg maybe bit of paranoia have noticed getting more hungry and temp has gone up, i put that down the dbol kickstart just wanted to see with own eyes so i put in in freezer while i went gym came out clear just as it went in. so wanted to pick peoples brains on it. cheers everyone
worried about my rohm test 400mg 2ml a week fella so 800mg also 2ml rohm deca so 600mg also running a 4 week dbol kick start at 40mg a day they are the 10ml blue hearts. thanks for your time
worried about my rohm test 400mg You should start seeing results now by week 4. Hope it works out for u fella, as ROHM are a very good lab heard nothing but positive feedback about them. Let us know how you get on.