So how many of you guys drink alcohol on cycle? I never have before but tempted to have a few vodka,black currant and waters tonight lol as I'm goin out, won't harm me too much will it ?
Who drinks on AAS yes i do, on injectables, on orals, on accutane i have even drank on dnp (not smart) but im a bit careless with what i shove in my body and definitely no role model
Who drinks on AAS that is shocking mate, everyone knows that the old V,B and W is the most anabolic beverage
Who drinks on AAS not yet but im planning on it im on anavar and melanotan at the minute got a few dates lined up in a couple of weeks which will involve getting drunk so i can get the girl drunk so ill be on atleast 3 - 4 heavy drinking sessions while on this anavar
Who drinks on AAS Only on special occasions like bdays etc Not really a big drinker anyway but will quite happily have a drink whatever I'm on.